
My best pal Suggs.

Thursday, 16 February 2012


After a forced lay-off due to illness, it was so good to get back out & check out the usual suspects down at the local park in Acton, the weather had been mild for the last few days & the lake was free from ice.
It was nice to see the pair of great crested grebe were O/K and still in residence but the Pochard was missing, he returned later in the day looking non to worse for ware. A nice addition was a male Goosander
why does this lake attract single male wildfowl ? Pochard, Goosander  & Graylag all in the last few months. I was amazed how much had changed in just 2 weeks - much more activity & lots more little brown birds ( don't know the names cos I'm still learning so there.) :)) .
When I first arrived the light was so poor I just sat watched & listened - I couldn't believe how noisy little birds could be, even my friendly robin told me off . Finally the light improved to allow some photographs to be taken, nothing special just record shots which include 3 firsts for me Dunnock, Goosander & Treecreper I have see all these birds before but have never photographed them. 
I hope to take a trip down to Hanmner Mere over the weekend, all being well I will speak to you soon Bri.    
A cute little DUNNOCK.

Both robin photograph's are the same WHICH DO YOU PREFER ?

The light was so poor, it had to be B&W 

I just can't resist them 

I think Treecreeper's are becoming my favourite bird