
My best pal Suggs.

Friday, 16 March 2012

A few shots from the archive

Today didn't pan out as I had hoped, yesterday I had my first appointment with a psychiatrist, who increased my SSRI's  by 50%, which has left me felling drained & listless, still there is always next week.
As the title say's, these are from earlier this year and I don't know why I haven't posted them before, it's funny   how the robin's always look so good, but my favourite is the gull tap dancing on the water I hope you enjoy them      

Thursday, 15 March 2012


A short visit to Acton park on the 13/03/2012, a dull cold day which managed to produce some reasonable shots, I still haven't seen the woodpecker, gold-crest  or nuthatch which I am told by the local fishermen are common sights within the park during the spring but they sit still & I tend to move around "to many years walking the hills of Wales & little patience" a friend told me that when birding, it is better to sit still & wait for them to come to you, I had a strange vision of me sitting holding my camera with a bird sat on my head!!.
If the weather is fine tomorrow a trip up to RSPB Burton Mere is planed, fingers crossed.

Sunday, 11 March 2012

More from WLNR

Photo stream from Wood Lane Nature Reserve
Water rail, Blue tit, Coal tit, Mallard , Teal , Lapwing & Gull's ? " Enjoy ".