
My best pal Suggs.

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Well what a day!!

All photographs taken today at Acton park, it was quiet for the first 1 1/2 hours then rush hour arrived, I just didn't know where to look - Robin, Blue tit, Coal tit ( missed it ), Wren ( missed that one to ), Dunnock (got that one - poor shot), Great crested grebe & Coot I could hear a lot more, but from where I was sitting i.e under the cover of some bamboo I could only see 20 - 30 ft in front and to one side. It's nice to sit and wait for the wildlife to come to you rather than wander around, I'm sure that I nodded off for ten min's when the sun came out.  I hope you enjoy the photographs and come back soon    

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

much about err - no

Well I finally managed to get some half decent shots of a nuthatch, who sat still long enough for me to take my time, get set up and grab a reasonable image    

Have you ever tried to out stare a squirrel - DON'T it'll give you a headache