
My best pal Suggs.

Thursday, 29 December 2011

Reason to be cheerful

OK folks I have been told that i should blog more about my reasons for taking up photography and starting this blog. Now I don't want to bore anyone or have anyone feel sorry for me but it,s more of a therapy than a hobby , having suffered for quite a while with stress / depression, my GP told me to go back to whatever interest I had before I became ill. Now as I am on some pretty strong medication he said that MOTORCYCLING was totally out of the question and something more subdued would be more appropriate. So I dug out my camera, dusted off the lenses,  put on my boots and headed to my local park where I found a larger range of wildlife than I had thought- yes I expected mallard and the odd goose with a squirrel thrown in for good measure, what I didn't expect were great crested grebe, male pochard ducks and a single male mandarin duck which as yet I haven't been able to photograph, So now I have a therapy which has become more and more of a hobby, I still have trouble holding the camera steady so the wife got me a tripod for crimbo, now all I need is a dry day to get back out and snap some more pic,s.
If you think about it it,s 3 hobby,s rolled into one - photography,walking/hiking and wildlife. The first 2 I know a little about having climbed all the mountains in Wales, all the 4000ft peaks in Scotland and all but one of the 3000ft peaks in England always with a camera in my rucksack, But local wildlife - I am ashamed to say
NOT ONE BIT. The last time I looked at a bird she was tall blond and well never mind (sorry ladies) so now I go out take photos, come home process photo's then spend hours on the r.s.p.b website checking what they are. O.M.G I,ve become a bird watcher noooooooooo! I need a tablet NOW.

 More to follow when I have recovered from the shock


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