
My best pal Suggs.

Sunday, 1 January 2012


Managed to take my camera for a walk to the local park yesterday (31/12/2011 new year,s eve.) equipped with   my 300mm OPTOMAX lens, which was from an ad on freecycle! so cost me just £7.00  for an adaptor from amazon. The morning started nice and bright, BUT not bright enough for such a long lens with subjects that wont stay still - aperture wide open shutter as slow as I dared and you guessed it crap photos, even using my venerable slik 88 tripod didn't help it was just to dull. I did manage a few reasonable shots later in the day when it cleared for about 20 Min's but the birds that I was after decided they had no option other than to hide in the bushes on the opposite bank well away from the strange man with a large black pointy thing stuck to his face standing behind a three legged stick!, well was I disheartened No!-- I just packed in, and went home.
   Note. Anyone wanting to use old non auto lenses on a dslr adaptors are available to fit most of today's cameras i.e m42 or  Pentax k -  to Canon, Nikon, even the new Sony nex  but your super doper fully auto camera becomes a dinosaur similar to the old zenith e  - - FULLY MANUAL--.
       that's all for now folks enjoy the pics - please leave comments (good or bad ) that's the way we learn
A pair of great crested grebe,s taken with my 300mm optomax lens
A not so shy squirrel who is more interested in his lunch than running away from me

Male pochard , a very shy fellow 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Brian
    Thanks for visiting and commenting on my blog. I have only been birding 8 or so years (started with an I Spy book!, the photography was a nice addition but you do not appreciate the difficulties till you get started. Photography wise I would suggest reading photography magazines particularly those that have a wildlife feature such as Landscape Photographer (I know the title doesn't give any clue). If you visit Richard Bedfords excellant website (there is a link on my blog) he tells you of his camera set up for taking flight shots and the like.
